Hi Everyone, I hope you are enjoying a lovely week! Please take a few minutes to read, enjoy, share and tweet about our new February home page features below. Thanks so much and I wish you a wonderful week! Andrea
Success Story
Irmgard Lafrentz
President, Globalpress Connection
Germany's Irmgard Lafrentz moved to Silicon Valley with stars in her eyes, hoping for a job with Cisco, Sun or Intel. With no job offer forthcoming, Irmgard started her own business as a global matchmaker between U.S. high technology companies and the international trade and business media. Now, her business turns over six (and sometimes seven) figures...
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Business Idea
Beaded Lily
Lily MordÃ
In 2001, Americans Lily Mordà and her husband Timothy James took a two-month trip to Italy, and never left. Since then, Lily and Tim have built a thriving bead business in the Oltrarno – Italy's artisan area in Florence. Students travel from all over the world to learn in their studio, and their beads are bought by the likes of Chanel, Ferragamo and Escada...
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Moving Your Children Overseas After A Divorce
Ewan Cambell MacDougall
If you have started a family (or moved your family) overseas but your marriage did not turn out to be the happily ever after you hoped for, you might be feeling like it is time to go back home, or maybe start afresh in a new country. But beware: taking children overseas without the consent of their other parent can be considered child abduction...
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Money Matters
U.S. Expat Taxes in 2012 – What's New?
IJ Zemelman, EA, Taxes for Expats LLP
If you are an American who needs to pay U.S. taxes, this article lets you know about about recent requirements for Foreign Investment Account Reporting (FATCA), gives information for securities and business owners, touches on gift tax dodging and IRS investigations, and highlights increases to IRS auditing measures...
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Expat Confession
Intercultural Couple
Extract from Expat Women: Confessions
Recently I moved to my partner's home country, Japan. I myself am from Denmark, which is where we met. However, ever since we moved to Japan four and half months ago, our relationship has been having problems. It seems that the man I fell in love with has transformed into a different person...
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Meet the Author
No Chopsticks Required: My Family's Unexpected Year In Shanghai
Katrina Beikoff
In 2008, Katrina Beikoff and her partner Gary Smart accepted one-year expat assignments with the Shanghai Daily. What followed was a very busy year involving major events such as China's massive snow storm, the devastating Sichuan earthquake, the Tibetan uprising, the Beijing Olympics, and the melamine-tainted milk scandal...
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Expat Women February 2012 Features
Posted by
Expat Women
7:37 PM
Labels: american expat taxes, andrea martins, beaded lily, expat women home page, globalpress connection, intercultural couple, irmgard lafrentz, lily morda, moving your children overseas after a divorce
Should You Start A Franchise Business in 2012?
Hi Everyone, We recently asked MyDestination.com (one of our valued ExpatWomen.com sponsors) about why 2012 might be a great year for franchise businesses. If you have ever thought about becoming a franchisee, you might be interested in their response...
Neil Waller:
"The beginning of every year sees many different types of resolutions being made, from quitting smoking, to taking up the gym. Starting your own business is one resolution that is frequently heard, but all too often not followed through. The planning required, financial considerations and the likely success of a new venture, all tend to put people off. However, investing in a franchise business can negate many of these considerations; you can be your own boss and have all the benefits of having your own business, without many of the stresses and strains. Here is why 2012 might be your year for investing in a franchise...
When considering starting a business, the fear of failure leads most people to stay safe and plod along in their current jobs, even though they have a burning entrepreneurial desire. Investing into an already successful and prosperous franchise business will hopefully reduce your stress that the business might fail. If you are already joining a business that is profitable and proven, your franchise should benefit from the authority and reputation of the business you are buying into, significantly reducing the risk of failure.
Entrepreneurs will undoubtedly need much assistance when starting a business, as it is impossible to have adequate experience in all areas of business. When you join a franchise business, you are able to access this experience and expertise needed to grow your franchise, through a centralised support structure that will be in place. As a new franchisee you should be provided with assistance and advice on all areas required to succeed in becoming a successful franchisee (including marketing, advertising, sales and so on).
After all, it is in the interest of the franchise company that as a franchisee you develop your franchise as much as possible. This reduces the risk of making mistakes in developing your franchise, as you will always have a support structure to guide you through the many challenges you will face.
Purchasing a franchise is also significantly cheaper than starting your own business, where overheads often become extortionate very quickly. The main outlay will be the fee you pay for your franchise; this will depend on the size of the franchise that you are buying and what destination it is in. However, for this you should receive all that is necessary to start your franchise, such as a website if it is an online franchise, a restaurant, a shop or maybe some office space. The access to the already mentioned support structure is also invaluable.
In economically uncertain times, franchising does represent a fantastic opportunity to run your own business. The fact that banks and venture capitalists are highly reluctant to invest in start-up businesses, means that you will need to raise most of your business capital yourself these days. So, investing in a franchise could reduce your initial costs, and help to bring benefits to you faster.
Whether you franchise or start solo, I wish you all the very best with whatever you start in 2012! May it be a fabulous year for you.
Warmest regards, Neil Waller, Co-Founder, MyDestination.com."
MyDestination.com is a franchise based network of travel sites, powered by a diverse community of local experts on the ground, providing local knowledge and local deals.
Posted by
Expat Women
7:16 PM
Labels: american women living abroad, expat entrepreneur, expat women, expatriate women, mydestination.com. travel franchises, starting a business abroad, starting a business overseas
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Missed Some Great Expat Links on Twitter? (January 25-26 edition)
Hi Everyone, I hope your week has been fantastic! Here are some expat links I have tweeted recently that might interest you...
Self-Published (Former Expat) Author Gets Movie Deal After Being Discovered On Twitter
Invent Your Future Job: Be Unique, Be Social, Be Global - by Expat Coach Anne Egros
5 Most Common Expat Injuries in China
Is America Shutting The Door On Expats?
Delhi Journal: The Expat Experience (Wall Street Journal)
Expat Selena's Observations On Her New Life In the UK
Britons Rush For Australian Visas
Interview: Expat Writing Mentor Jo Parfitt talks to Expat Author Matt Krause About His Turkish Love Story 'A Tight Wide Open Space'
Middle East, Africa & Eastern Europe: Best For Expat Pay & Packages
American Expats: 10 Year IRS Statute of Limitations: How Long Can The IRS Collect From You?
U.S. Military Kids Now Have Their Own (Official) Social Media Playground To Help Deal With Challenges Of Deployment
6th Annual Overseas & Military Voting Summit (Washington & Online) 27 January 2012
And one from us...
Like Freebies? Here's A (Generous) Sample from our Expat Women Motivational Book. Enjoy! http://bit.ly/mZmTXP
To follow me in 'real time' and keep up with even more great expat links on Twitter, please click here.
Posted by
Expat Women
5:42 PM
Labels: andrea martins, expat americans, expat author interview, expat injuries in china, expat twitter links, expat voting, global mobility survey, overseas votes, voting abroad
Expat Entrepreneur Success Story in Russia
Hi Everyone, Here is a wonderful expat success story from Russia. A premium bakery chain that turns over $2 million each month. Incredible!
Hint: If you cannot see the video in your email feed, try clicking on the Russia Today page: http://rt.com/news/prime-time/story-success-pain-quotidien-605/
Posted by
Expat Women
4:25 PM
Labels: expat bakery, expat business idea, expat entrepreneur interview, expat entrepreneur success story in russia, expat success story, expats living in moscow, expats living in russia
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Insights from Robin Pascoe, who Celebrates the 20th Anniversary of Her First Book for Expats
Hi Everyone, Our wonderful friend Robin Pascoe, well known for her books about expat living, recently celebrated her 20th anniversary of the publication of her first book for expats (congrats Robin!). She reflected on this milestone on Facebook recently, and kindly gave us permission to republish her insights here for your easy reading...
From Robin Pascoe on 12 January 2012:
"I’m always telling people not to ignore important milestones in their lives, but did I mention I rarely take my own advice?
It’s the 20th anniversary of the publication of my first book for expats, indeed an anniversary of the first expat book that told wives it was OK to be angry and resentful of their husbands and to wonder, who the hell am I anyway?
Originally published in 1992 as “The Wife’s Guide to Successful Living Abroad”, in 1993 as “Culture Shock: A Wife’s Guide" but finally, under my own Expatriate Press, re-issued and updated in 2009 and given the title I wanted for it all along, “A Broad Abroad”, it was so much fun to put into words and print what so many women were feeling but no one was saying!
So today, in acknowledging this important milestone in my life (you always remember your first!) here are five great memories I associate with this book:
Of the many rejections I received when sending out the manuscript, my favourite that made me laugh out loud was from a Hong Kong publisher who wrote to me and said: “Expat wives have servants. Why do they need a book?”
The night the publisher in Singapore called me. We were living in Beijing and it had been months since I had sent them the manuscript. The managing editor apologized for just finding it, but she wanted it. I cheekily suggested there should be a follow up book for parents and the editor said, “start writing that now.”
My Chinese cook (yes, ok, I had a cook) came to where I was sitting at the phone, completely unravelled with joy, carrying a tray with a double shot of scotch and a cigarette for me. (No cook, no smoking and actually, no drinking anymore since I lost my fear of flying and no longer need to be fuelled by vodka).
The day the books arrived in Beijing I had a choice: I could go to the airport and be the first to open the boxes containing my new baby. Or I could attend a piano recital of my first baby (an 8-year-old Lilly). I chose my daughter and never regretted it.
My first speaking tour: Husband Rodney said, “You should go to promote the book in Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore since you have friends in all three places who would be sure to help you.”
Me? “You mean: alone???”
Never mind that he pushed me out of the nest and my comfort zone, it was in Tokyo that I attended a lecture given by Dave Pollock whose Third Culture Kid bible was still years away from publication. I gave Dave a copy of my new book (since he’s quoted in it) and when he got up to speak to the school audience, the first words out of his mouth were: “I have just been given a book that I know everyone in this room will want to read.” A great friendship and mentorship was born. Like so many people, I still miss him.
Weeks after that first tour: I was sitting at the dining room table in Beijing with my then 3-year-old-son Jay reading a three week old Hong Kong paper, the South China Morning Post. Scanning the book page, I was, as the Brits say, gobsmacked.
“Mommy has the #1 bestseller in Hong Kong, Jay. Eat your carrots.” It was the beginning of leading a life I didn’t participate in (or know about) most of the time.
I realize I could probably write a hundred great stories associated with this book but won’t bore everyone to death. However, I have saved one last great memory that I cherish the most: The countless women who came up to me during my years on the road and said, “Thank you for writing this, Robin.”
Remarkably, the book (and all of the ones which followed) are still selling after all these years!
Find yourself in my books, as I used to say..."
Note: Robin retired from expat writing last year, but her books and videos are still available on her website, ExpatExpert.com.
Posted by
Expat Women
10:40 PM
Labels: american women living abroad, andrea martins, expat books, expat women living overseas, expat writing, expatriate women, expert expat, robin pascoe
Monday, January 16, 2012
Happy Birthday Expat Women!
Hi Everyone, Just a quick but sincere post to thank you for your support, feedback and testimonials over the past five years that ExpatWomen.com has been online.
I was just about to log out for the night (it's nearly midnight here) when I realized that today is the birthday of our site's launch five years ago, on 16 January 2007!
Thank you for 'being there' and for 'spreading the word' for us. Incredible to think that we now have more than 2,000 self-submitted Expat Women blogs on our directory, more than 1,000 quality content pages (country and expat club information, motivational articles and more), 300+ readers' stories, 5 years' worth of high quality newsletters, and much more.
I hope ExpatWomen.com has helped you and I appreciate in advance that you please keep spreading news of it to your friends and networks. Thanks so much, and enjoy January 16! Andrea x
Posted by
Expat Women
5:59 AM
Labels: andrea martins, expat women living abroad, expat women living overseas, expatwomen.com, jill lengre
Missed Some Great Expat Links on Twitter? (January 16 edition)
Hi Everyone, I hope you are having a fabulous start to 2012! Here are some expat links I have tweeted recently that might interest you...
The World's Most Walkable Cities
The Highs and Lows of Expatriation
Expat Liz Visits a South Korean Cat Cafe
Registration Now Open for FIGT (Families in Global Transition) Conference, 29-31 March, Washington DC
Is Hong Kong's Pollution Driving Expats Away?
It's Easy to Break the Law in Dubai Without Realising It
Note: After I tweeted this, someone wrote to tell me that a poppy seed on bread could lead to arrest! And another person advised that vanilla essence could do the same! Wow. Be careful, Everyone.
US Migration Study Results Released by United Van Lines
Top 15 Girlfriend Getaways (includes a water slide in a shark tank!)
Expat Author Interview: Russell Ward Talks to Jack Scott about His New Book, Perking The Pansies http://bit.ly/wS0bkk
Expat in Israel? Dr. Dani Kranz in Germany Needs Your Help for A Research Project
How To Work From Home Like You Mean It
Anyone Interested in The Casting Team Contacting Them for House Hunters International (U.S. version) is Invited to Contact @BlondeinAround via Twitter
Before you clear out your old expat paperwork, send it to the Expat Archive Centre
And one from us...
Here is where you can see the latest self-submitted blogs on our Expat Women Blog Directory - Enjoy!
To follow me in 'real time' and keep up with even more great expat links on Twitter, please click here.
Posted by
Expat Women
3:02 AM
Labels: andrea martins, expat author interview, expat living in dubai, expat living in hong kong, expat living in korea, expat twitter links, expat women living in the UAE, figt conference