Sunday, February 6, 2011

Expat Women February 2011 Home Page

Hi Everyone!  Please find below our new Expat Women February 2011 home page features. Please take a few minutes to read, enjoy, share and tweet about them for us. Many thanks and have a fantastic week! Andrea

Success Story
CEO and Co-Founder, aden + anais
When Raegan Moya-Jones left Australia for the United States, never did she expect to start a successful global business which would one day attract celebrity fans. Starting with simple muslin swaddling blankets, she has now grown...

Business Idea
Shalini Ganendra
Born in Sri Lanka and educated in the US and the UK, Shalini Ganendra worked as a lawyer for a Wall Street law firm in New York and London, before finding a whole new calling in the art world when she moved to Malaysia.

Expat Routines
Expats: Think You Don't Need Routines? The Importance Of The Other R and R
Marie Brice
We all know how important rest and recreation are as expats. Yet we often underestimate The importance of the other two R's: rituals and routines. As an expat, you probably visibly gag at the thought of routines - after all, isn't that why you are where you are and not back at home...

Expat Confession
Expat Women Girlfriend  
I have lived in three countries and always thought I was a well-adapted expatriate. However, returning from our recent holiday really threw me into a spin. Since then, I have been riding an incredible emotional rollercoaster: crying all the time; losing my patience.

Your Career
Lois Freeke
Ever wondered why so many women seem to miss out on senior promotions and high visibility projects? Why is it that men outnumber women in executive positions by up to 10:1? What can we women do to command the respect and promotions that our male counterparts seem to secure more?

Expat Blogging
Expat Bloggers Are Going Pro
Maria Foley
Years ago, bloggers tended to write only for pleasure. However, the sophistication of many of today's blogs... has meant many bloggers are now trying to generate an income from their blog...

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