Thursday, August 19, 2010

Want To Submit An Article For Expat Women?

Hi Everyone, We are regularly asked how a volunteer contributor could submit an article to our main Expat Women site.  Luckily, we are always looking for quality, well-written articles, so if you have any ideas/ articles, we invite you to please follow these 3 steps:

(1) Browse to find what types of articles we publish and what article ideas we have already published (this is important because we try to avoid publishing the same ideas twice); 

(2) Send your article plan or your completed article (ideally 1000-1200 words, full of useful information and practical tips and/or anecdotes) to; and

(3) We will review your plan/article and give you feedback about whether we might publish it on our site and/or what edits we would like made.

Why contribute? Well, apart from the fact that you desperately love helping us, if we publish your contribution, it:
  • may be featured on our home page (which is a fabulous opportunity to 'boost your brand' because we receive over 30,000 unique visitors a month to our site now, with most of these visitors coming via our high-profile home page);
  • may be included in one of our monthly newsletters (sent out to our nearly 9,000 members worldwide); or it
  • may be published solely on our Expat Women site (which means it can still be read by potential clients and it can still be found by the big search engines).
So if you have some expertise to share, do not be shy, write your ideas out clearly and get in touch, anytime.

Warmest thanks, Andrea.

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