Sunday, June 13, 2010

Urgent Call For Short-Term Expat Researchers in Bahrain, Finland, Switzerland, Abu Dhabi and the Netherlands

Hi Everyone, Susan Musich's start-up Passport Career is now in full-force and she has some great organizations who have now subscribed to her great resource!

To enhance the Passport Career information database, Susan is now seeking expat researchers to gather information on detailed job search information (using a specific template and guidance provided by Passport Career) in: Bahrain; Finland; Switzerland; Abu Dhabi; and the Netherlands.

"If you are interested in taking on a 3-4 week (approximately 25-40 hours average total time needed) research assignment, please email Susan as soon as possible with the following information:
1. Your name and email contact details;
2. Your destination of interest;
3. Country and city in which you currently reside;
4. Why you are interested in this research project;
5. What skills or qualifications you might have to undertake this project; and
6. Confirmation that you can commit 25-40 hours to complete the research within 3-4 weeks.

Please note that Passport Career offers compensation for this project and also makes a small donation to Expat Women for each person hired. Thanks and good luck!  Susan Musich"

Please feel free to pass this email to anyone else who might (also) be interested.  Many thanks, Andrea.

Note of 17 June 2010: Susan is also now looking urgently for a researcher in Egypt and also in Puerto Rico.  Thanks.

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