Friday, June 25, 2010

Networking Abroad: Easier Or More Difficult?

Hi Everyone, My next guest blog post on Adrienne Graham's online Fearless Woman Magazine was uploaded yesterday and if you are interested, here is how it starts...

"Anyone who is serious about proactively moving their career or business forward, knows they need to network. If this is you, hopefully you have already read Adrienne’s Go Ahead, Talk to Strangers: The Modern Girl’s Guide To Fearless Networking and you are already investing time each month into meeting new people, building quality relationships and offering help to contacts in your inner circle.

Networking Abroad

Many women who are great networkers at home and have worked hard to establish a solid network, worry what it will be like to network (for work and/or pleasure) if they are relocated abroad.

“I am only going abroad for two years. How will I have enough time to build up my network abroad?”

"How can people know how credible I am back home?”

“Will it be easier or more difficult to network on foreign shores?”

To read more, please support Adrienne and click on the full article on her site here: Networking Abroad: Easier or More Difficult? 

I encourage you to leave your comments, feedback, experiences on her site (or ours) as well.

Thanks and best wishes, Everyone! Andrea. :-)

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