Sunday, January 17, 2010

Passport Career Still Looking For Expats & Repats For Short-Term Research Work

Hi Everyone, For more than one year now, we have been helping Susan Musich to find short-term researchers for the construction of her new site (launched August 2009): Passport Career. Many of you have helped out, and for that, we are sincerely grateful.

Ongoing Expansion

Passport Career now has 70 countries covered (which includes 170+ locations). Susan is currently expanding this to 100 countries and she is looking for interested expatriates and repatriates (female or male) to undertake 25-35 hour (approximate) research assignments for the locations listed below. If you are keen, ready to help and can commit to finishing your assignment (in return for a small honorarium), please email Susan directly, with the following information:

  1. Your full name, address and contact details;
  2. The date you started living in your current location;
  3. An overview of your expatriate/repatriate experience;
  4. A brief description of your qualifications and interests; and
  5. Why you are interested in undertaking this research.

"Passport CareerTM is the first-ever, comprehensive, online global job search support system for international professionals [and their spouses] moving to or living in unique and challenging destinations around the world."

"The research includes using the country profile survey (and template) that will be provided to identify appropriate job search information relevant to expatriates who will be moving to your current country. Such information includes: web sites; business cultural information; social and business networks; resume and interview information relevant to the country in question; and other related job search material."

U.S. Locations Needing Researchers

Albuquerque NM, Baltimore MD, Buffalo NY, Charlotte NC, Cincinnati OH, Cleveland OH, Columbus OH, Fairfield/Stamford/Norwalk CT, Hartford CT, Indianapolis IN, Jacksonville FL, Kansas City MO, Little Rock AR, Louisville KY, Memphis TN, Milwaukee WI, Nashville TN, New Orleans LA, Orlando FL, Palo Alto CA, Phoenix AZ, Pittsburgh PA, Portland OR, Richmond VA, Rochester NY, Salt Like City UT, San Antonio TX, San Jose CA, St Louis MO, Tulsa/Oklahoma City OK and Wilmington DE.

Non U.S. Locations Needing Researchers

Bahrain, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, Nicaragua, Oman, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, South Africa (Cape Town), Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda and Uruguay.


Susan has agreed to make a small donation to Expat Women for each researcher who completes an assignment via an Expat Women lead. So if you are not interested, but know someone who is, please pass the word around. Every little bit helps. Thanks Everyone!


  1. Good idea. I hope you are able to get some good information and people to help the cause. I have posted your link on my Rochester, NY newcomers/expats group on Facebook.

  2. Brilliant. Thanks Jennifer!
