Sunday, August 31, 2008

Expat Women - September Home Page

Hi Everyone, While you were enjoying your weekend, we uploaded our new September Home Page and features for you. Please take a look and/or visit the specific article(s) of interest below.

We also launched our 'Tell A Friend' Promotion. Please encourage all of your expat women friends to join, because if their membership number is randomly chosen at the end of September, they will win US$100 and if they nominate you as the person who referred them, you win US$100 too!

Our Expat Women Members' Newsletter will come out later this week. If you have not joined up yet, please join here (and remember to verify your membership when you get the auto-email) before our Newsletter goes out, so you don't miss out.

Thank you very much and best wishes for your September, Andrea.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

September Home Page Features:

Herta Von Stiegel
Finance Leader
Born in Transylvania, Herta has spent her adult life in the US and the UK. She has an impressive track record in the finance industry and together with her partners, has just launched Ariya Capital Group, a fund management firm focusing on sustainable investments in Africa...

Vardit Kohn
For Goodness Sake
Vardit Kohn has been interested in food for as long as she can remember. But it was not until after her linguistics studies in Israel, and her MBA studies in London, that she found her true calling and she now thrives as a Natural Nutritionist in The Netherlands…

Managing Global Talent: What Do Expatriate Spouses Need?
Report to Participants, Dr. Nina Cole
Surveys demonstrate that problems with spousal adjustment are the leading cause of early return home from expatriate assignments, which is costly in terms of repatriation and replacement of the expatriate, and in terms of company performance...

Finding The Right Boarding School
Rebecca Grappo, M.Ed
Young people in internationally mobile families often face many disruptions in their education as their families move from one country to the next. Many times their educational needs cannot be met at the location of the new international assignment...

Expat Confession
Beware Your Friends
Ciao! I just moved to Italy a year ago and have started to meet people. I am married to an Italian citizen and am getting over my culture shock, my rollercoaster emotions and I am finally settling in. I met a woman (also married to an Italian) at a common expat meet up as...

Guanxi: The Art Of Building Relationships In China
Sheida Hodge
In literal terms, Guanxi means "the art of building relationships". But for [foreigners] seeking to
do business in China, this translation is somewhat misleading. The idea of forced socialization...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Expat Assignments: Are You Addicted?

Hello Everyone, We had this article published online yesterday in The Telegraph UK: Expat Assignments: Are You Addicted?

Here's how it starts:

"If you love living abroad, you see your passport more than your home country, you enjoy a much-envied lifestyle and you hate the thought of repatriating, there is a good chance that you, like many expats before you, have been seduced by the addictive nature of international assignments.

So what exactly is it that makes such assignments so addictive? The answers are many and varied, but here are six of the big ones..."

It is aimed at expats (and their partners/families) sent abroad by their employer on international assignments.

If you would like to read more, just click here. Feedback and constructive criticism always welcome.

Best wishes for your weekend! Andrea

Thursday, August 28, 2008

World's 100 Most Powerful Women

Hi Everyone, Did you see that Forbes released yesterday their annual list of the 100 Most Powerful Women in the World?

Here are their Top 10 women:

  1. Angela Merkel
  2. Sheila C. Bair
  3. Indra K. Nooyi
  4. Angela Braly
  5. Cynthia Carroll
  6. Irene B. Rosenfeld
  7. Condoleezza Rice
  8. Ho Ching
  9. Anne Lauvergeon
  10. Anne Mulcahy

To read the rest of their list and to find out where women like Oprah are ranked, just click here. Cheers.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Highlights From Expat Expert Robin Pascoe's "Family Matters!" Survey

Hello Everyone, For those of you following our previous blogposts about Robin Pascoe's Family Matters! Survey in the expat community, here are three key highlights sent around by Robin today:

"1. The survey confirmed there is a distinct 'disconnect' in communication about relocation policy between headquarters and expat families as 64 per cent of respondents said no one - neither employee nor family members - were offered any training whatsoever. Yet, according to the latest GMAC Global Relocation Trends survey, 154 global companies reported that 84 per cent of their organizations made cross-cultural preparation available to at least one member of the family. So while it may be policy to offer training, it would appear from your responses that this news is not being communicated.

2. Marital breakdown was the highest rated factor to impact negatively on the stress of an assignment. It ranked higher than children's education, spousal resistance to move in the first place, spousal career concerns, and adjustment in general. The reasons for an assignment failure are clearly more nuanced than simply "family failure to adjust" which we hear quoted so often.

3. The number one request for inclusion in any relocation policy - well above cross-cultural training and career counseling, both of which came in almost at the bottom of the list - was "assurances of a new contact at the new destination for help settling in." Anecdotally, you informed me that in the absence of ground support in your new locales, however, other expats, through spousal organizations, schools committees, and community clubs, are stepping up to assist you."

When Robin releases her official Executive Summary of her survey findings, we will be sure to let you know. Enjoy your day!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Expats - The Movie - Filming Soon in Dubai

Hi Everyone, If you are interested in starring in the upcoming 'Expats' movie, by Dubai-based expat (NZ) movie producer, Craig Johnson, and you live in the UAE, be quick to register your interest here. Auditions are scheduled for this week: August 29 and 30. Good luck!

(We spotted this announcement on, an online Malaysian News Agency, thanks to our Google alert. )

Friday, August 22, 2008

ExpatFinder - Launched This Week

Hi Everyone, Exciting news this week is the launch of, the brainchild of Sébastien and Francois Deschamps, who are also behind (launched in June 2008) and (officially launching in September 2008).

"ExpatFinder is the first vertical search engine for people intending to relocate or already living abroad. [It] addresses the increased demand for information and services by relocating professionals and their families. The website acts as a channel to guide expatriates or pre-expatriates about to make the move, to the most relevant information and websites both locally and globally".

Whilst still tweaking a few launch issues and still uploading a lot of the thumbnail images for the search results, I think ExpatFinder is a great idea and shows a lot of potential. I wish Sébastien and Francois all the very best.

Have a fabulous weekend, best wishes, Andrea.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Finding The Right Boarding School

Hi Everyone, If you have children and you live a globally-nomadic life, take a read of Rebecca Grappo's great article: Finding The Right Boarding School, which was published this week in The Telegraph UK.

(Rebecca actually wrote this article specifically for our Expat Women audience - it is coded up and ready-to-go for our September home page and newsletter.)

Rebecca knows what she is talking about: she has lived in nine countries and has personally visited more than 130 boarding schools in the US and Europe.

Loyal readers might remember Rebecca's previous article for us: Taking A Special Needs Child Overseas? What To Know...

Thanks Everyone - enjoy your day/evening! Andrea

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Looking For Expat Stories & Experiences

Hi Everyone, We are always looking for expat experiences for our Expat Women stories section.

Do you have a story that you could share?

Here are some of our previous story-of-the-month winners, to motivate you:
Inspiring People I Have Met - By Julie, a Kiwi expat in Switzerland
My Life Is A Charade - By Serena, an American expat in Mexico
Welcome to the Dark Side - By Bronwyn, an Australian in Cambodia
Integration - By Saskia, who was a Dutch expat woman in the UK

If you are a new reader to this blog, we also encourage you to support us and sign up as an member, so you can receive your free e-book with all of our February 2007 - August 2008 Winning Stories. Thanks!

Monday, August 18, 2008

British Expats In, Or Moving To, Spain?

Hello Everyone, Becky Maynard, an Assistant Director at Studio Lambert, is working on a new documentary series for ITV about British expats moving to and/or living in Spain and is looking for people in the following scenarios:

(a) A family on the verge of making a decision to move to Spain, or looking at properties with a view to buy in the next month or two;

(b) British expats already living the dream in Spain;

(c) Someone whose Spanish experience is turning into a nightmare;

(d) People who are considering giving up the Spanish dream entirely.

If you meet any of the above criteria, and are willing to meet Becky in September, with a view to filming in October, please urgently contact Becky here. Thanks.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

International Assignments & Emotional Intelligence - Surveys For Working Expats

Hi Everyone, Elise Christensen (a Norwegian who has lived in Egypt, Russia, the USA, UAE and UK) would like your help please in completing two surveys for her postgraduate dissertation that investigate the role of emotional intelligence ("the ability to recognize and manage emotions") in international assignments.

If you have been the person employed/posted for an international assignment (rather than the accompanying partner), past or present, and you are able to help Elise, please email her here to request the two surveys. The submission deadline is 5 September 2008. Thanks.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Kick Like A Girl: The Movie

Thanks to an anonymous comment on this blog, I learnt today about the Kick Like A Girl movie.

"Kick Like A Girl is the story of what happens when “The Mighty Cheetahs”, an undefeated third grade girls soccer team competes in the boys division. With humor and honesty this documentary reveals the reality of the boy-girl issues and what "Kick Like A Girl" really means on and off the playing field. The film is narrated by 8 year old Lizzie, a self-described soccer girl, who doesn't let juvenile diabetes, elbow blocks or grass stains interfere with her desire to compete. Refreshing and triumphant, Kick Like A Girl reminds us all of the lessons learned in competitive athletics and how sports has been one of the most effective instruments of social change in our lifetime."

The online trailer for this movie is very inspirational. After watching the trailer several times and reading every word on their website, I contacted the director of the film, Jenny Mackenzie to find out more.

Jenny advised that the film is currently playing at International Film Festivals and they will have a broadcast premiere on HBO in early 2009. DVDs will be for sale shortly after the premiere. In the meantime, if you are interested in putting your name on their notification list, just drop them a line. Or, if you are interested in Jenny's touring and speaking engagements, email Jenny here.

Thanks Everyone - and enjoy the two-minute-trailer. Andrea :-)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Guanxi: The Art Of Building Relationships In China... and elsewhere

Hello Everyone, We thought we would get into the swing of everything China this month (aka the month of the Olympics) and have sourced this interesting article for you about Guanxi and building relationships in China. In actual fact, even if you're not dealing with China, it's a great reminder about what is important in relationships abroad, namely:
  1. Brand;
  2. Expertise;
  3. Sincerity; and
  4. Track Record.

Take a read and enjoy your day/evening! Thanks.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Calling All Writers Interested In Self-Publishing, Print-On-Demand, Lightning Source & Aiming At Amazon

Hi Everyone, Have you ever heard of Aaron Shepard? He's the guy that wrote Aiming At Amazon, which Expat Expert Robin Pascoe once described as the book that changed her life, with its insights on how best to go about self-publishing via Lightning Source and then selling your book(s) on Amazon.

Well, here is some fabulous news, if you are a writer and/or interested in self-publishing...

Aaron Shepard has just announced on his blog that you can now download for free, the draft version of his upcoming revised book - Aiming At Amazon: The NEW Business Of Self-Publishing OR How To Publish Books For Profit With Print On Demand By Lightning Source And Book Marketing On

The idea is that anyone downloading the book will do so with the intention of providing any applicable feedback/comments by the end of August, to help him finish the book in time for his scheduled September release.

This is a GREAT opportunity to learn from someone who really does seem to know what he's talking about, in terms of self-publishing, Lightning Source and Amazon. We read his first edition and it was EXCELLENT. So... what are you waiting for? Go for it! :-)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Permits Foundation Survey - Expat Spouses/Partners - Can You Help?

Hello Everyone, Kathleen van der Wilk-Carlton from the Permits Foundation has written to us to ask for your help...

The Permits Foundation is an international non-profit corporate initiative to promote access of accompanying spouses and partners of international staff to employment through an improvement of work permit regulations.

They are running an online survey (until Sept 30) for expat spouses and partners, "to learn about your wishes in relation to employment, the challenges you face and possible solutions... you can take part if you are interested in working, whether or not you are working at present".

Kathleen:"the survey is a great opportunity for expat spouses to speak up and get their needs with respect to employment heard by employers and governments."

To help Kathleen and fill in the survey, please Click Here. Thank you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Trying To Learn A New Language?

Hi Everyone, we learnt yesterday about a cool tool to help you learn a new language, at your own pace, and in your own time: the Language Pod.

You can learn with a ChinesePod, a SpanishPod, a FrenchPod or an ItalianPod. EnglishPods come out next year.

The company with the brainwave is Praxis Language and apparently they launched their first Language Pod in 2005 - so they have had time to iron out any kinks in the product and improve on their very first version. They offer six different skill levels, with loads of 10-15 minute lessons for each language.

"Praxis Language's guiding precept is its trademark Personalized Learning System (PLS), which offers content and tools via podcasts while accessing a collaborative community via the internet. Mobility enables language learning via a variety of media - including the PC, iPod, MP3 player, iPhone and mobile phone, giving the user control in a ubiquitous learning environment, available 24/7, that lets learners be 'immersed in the moment' - any time. Users learn on their own terms instead of in the traditional teacher-centric, 'one-to-many' format used by language instruction methodologies, including other podcast-based systems."

Sounds like the perfect tool for globe-trotting expats. :-)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Want To Contribute To A New Website For Female Entrepreneurs?

Hi again, Anyone willing to contribute expert content, in exchange for a webpage on Women Unlimited, is invited to email Julie Hall, read on...

"I am looking for people to write articles about subjects they are passionate about for an online community website for female entrepreneurs. The website will be both business-oriented and personal development-oriented. My vision for Women Unlimited is to become a catalyst for change in the UK, enabling women to achieve success through their own businesses and skills. The target market for the website is women-owned businesses from sole traders to medium-sized organisations."

"Every author will have their own profile page and by-line on the website, with a link to their own websites. They will also be able to have a link in the business directory for free."

Thanks go to Jo Parfitt for sharing this lead.

Need Mail Services?

Hi Everyone, We would like to thank USA2Me (Package and USA Mail Forwarding Services) for renewing their advertising term with us at USA2Me were one of our first long-term advertisers and we appreciate their ongoing support, to help keep the dream of alive.

If you need mail services, please check out USA2Me. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What Is A SWAT Mum?

Hi Everyone, We read a term in today's Aurora (UK) newsletter that we wanted to share...

Aurora: "Companies are reaching out to an impressive group of top talent newly known as the SWAT Mums (Smart Women with Available Time). Many women at home with kids have extra time to undertake professional opportunities. Often these women have incredible skills and experience, they just don't want to work full-time."

ExpatWomen: Sounds like the age-old dilemma of many an expat trailing spouse (accompanying partner), yes? (...with or without children in tow)

Aurora: "The new challenge is for companies to match opportunities to this rapidly emerging group."

ExpatWomen: ...and for expats to try to tap into companies (at home and/or abroad) who are interested in SWAT talent.

Good luck today to anyone on the job hunt. May you find a company that appreciates you and your values. Or alternatively, may today be the day you come up with your 'great idea' for your portable 'career in a suitcase'. :-)

TCK Teleseminar with Tom Query - Counselor, Therapist & Grief Expert - August 9 (US time)

Anyone interested in the next free Third Culture Kids (TCK) teleseminar by the TCK Academy, might like to click here to find out the details of the upcoming teleseminar on "unresolved grief" with Tom Query. Expatriates, repatriates, parents, counselors, researchers, service-providers and more... everyone is welcome. Saturday, August 9 (US), 6PM Eastern Time. Thanks.

Monday, August 4, 2008

2009 Globe Women Summit

Hi Everyone, Following on from our recent article about the 2008 Globe Women Summit in Hanoi, Vietnam...

It has now been announced that the 2009 Globe Women Summit will be held in Santiago, Chile, May 14-16. Mark your diaries if you intend to go.

To read some of the 2008 Summit outcomes, reports and speaker presentations, visit the official Globe Women page here. Thanks.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

BBC Request: Looking For A British Family To Reunite

Hello Everyone, We received a request from Chris Kearsey at Blast Films last week, whose company is making a documentary which celebrates British families, for the BBC.

They are searching for someone who would like to reunite their (mainly) British relatives. They are offering the whole family the chance to discover their collective history over the course of an all-expenses-paid weekend in Autumn, 2008. They are specifically looking for someone who is fascinated by genealogy. Ideally, the majority of their family is currently living in the UK. For more information, please email Blast Films here. Thanks.

Congratulations Julie! Winning Story

Congratulations this month go to Julie, an expat New Zealander living in Switzerland, for her winning story of the month on Inspiring People I Have Met.

We are always looking for more of your stories (and we know you have plenty). To submit your expat story, please Click Here. To read more of the 200 or so expat stories submitted to date, Click Here.

Thank you and enjoy the first week of August. :-)