Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Expat Women relaunch + 2 sweet treats!

Hi Everyone, Yes, it's true!

After a two-year break, I'm excited to announce that ExpatWomen.com will relaunch for you this year, thanks to its recent acquisition by an expat investor in the Middle East.

The new owner plans to grow the site bigger and better for you in 2014, so stay tuned for the exciting relaunch date.

On a personal note, I wish to thank everyone who has supported Expat Women since its launch in 2007. Without you, the site would not be the treasure chest of information and inspiration that it is today for so many women around the world.

But wait, there's more...

Before I leave your inbox forever, I'd love to offer you two sweet treats over at my new sites:


If you have a business idea burning inside you, I invite you to come join me over at Launched & Noticed... and here's why...

After years of answering thousands of Expat Women emails and reviewing 2,000+ blog submissions, it's been sad to see so many websites and email outreaches fall flat.

I don't want this happening to you (anymore).

I would love to create a course (and a community) for you that:

1. Gets your business idea launched and noticed 

By launching good products and writing emails that grab attention, I'm so grateful to have enjoyed:

  • An interview with a supermodel;
  • An unexpected phone call from a TV personality;
  • A one-on-one meeting with the head of a $90 million business empire;
  • A direct call from the head of product development for a company whose annual revenue is close to $1 billion; and
  • A buyer for my six-year labor of love, ExpatWomen.com.

2. Saves you time, money and sanity

3. Is full of practical tips and lessons learned...

  • Business planning;
  • Setting up your website and social media (on a budget!);
  • Writing website copy that attracts dream clients;
  • Choosing online software that makes your day easier;
  • Testing your idea sooner rather than later;
  • Motivating yourself on a daily basis;
  • Understanding website SEO, page rankings and online trends;
  • Successfully reaching out to influencers in your target market;
  • Guest posting on big-name sites;
  • Building credibility on social media; and
  • Getting through what Seth Godin calls "the dip".

Just tell me what you most need help with!

Come join Launched & Noticed and you'll receive (for free):

1. An exclusive VIP discount
When the course launches later this year.

2. The chance to have your say
I promise to personally write to you and ask what you'd most like to see in our very first course - so that it's jam-packed with the most useful tips, blueprints, resources, worksheets and video tutorials possible. (I also promise to keep your business idea and progress confidential.)

3. Free tips along the way
Snippets of all the good stuff, plus updates from the feedback received.

Sound good?

Come join me here: Launched & Noticed

start a business, business ideas, entrepreneur, business course, andrea martins


If you are looking for work (at home or abroad), then this might be more up your alley...

With only six seconds* to impress a recruiter, you need to grab attention fast.

That's where Story Resumes comes in.

Story Resumes is an innovative new service to help you get noticed (and hopefully hired) faster.

We transform an ordinary resume into an eye-catching masterpiece that captivates everyone who sees it and helps your resume climb to the top of the application pile!

Come check us out today and remember to use your EXPAT WOMEN $50 discount code before it expires on June 1, 2014. (Feel free to share this coupon with your networks.)

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Thank you

Finally, on a personal level, it has been an honor to serve you.

Thank you so much for inviting me into your inbox.

 I wish you and the Expat Women community every success and I hope we meet again soon!

Andrea Martins x

Email me: andrea at launchedandnoticed dot com

Tweet me: here