Monday, May 31, 2010

Expat Women June 2010 Home Page

Hi Everyone, We have just uploaded our Expat Women June 2010 Home Page. Please take a look, share it with your friends and tweet about it for us. Thank you!

Success Story
Wendy Wilson
Co-Founder and Editorial Director, AngloINFO
South African Wendy Wilson left the film industry to move with her British-born husband Mike Hardaker to the French Riviera to start in September 2000. Run as a franchise business, AngloINFO now has 50 local websites worldwide, serving over 50 million page views per month...

Business Idea
Love Travel Guides
Fiona Caulfield
A self-confessed luxury vagabond, Fiona Caulfield is the creator of Love Travel guidebooks, designed for the discerning traveler. Already, Fiona has sold more than 15,000 books because unlike mass tourist books, her books are written like you are being chaperoned by a good friend...

How To Overcome Expat Withdrawal
Heather Carreiro
After living abroad, moving back to your home country can be even more of a shock than learning to live in a new country and culture. So much of how we define ourselves while living and working overseas is wrapped up in being an expat. Our friends back ‘home’ think of us as "Mary in Japan" or "Susan in Dubai." In our host countries, we are always the foreigner – the one who is different. Even the very way we introduce ourselves and think of ourselves tends to be connected with this element of 'otherness'...

Global Nomads & University
The Global Nomad's Guide to University Transition
Tina Quick
We talk to Tina Quick about her new book for TCKs transitioning to university. Tina, mother of three college-aged daughters, is an adult Third Culture Kid (ATCK) who, having made 18 moves, understands well the cycle of loss and grief involved in a cross–cultural lifestyle...

Expat Confession
A Lonely Affair

Expat Women Girlfriend
My husband’s new role is very demanding and he is frequently travelling away from home. I am embarrassed to confess that my loneliness has led me to start an affair with my neighbor. I feel extremely guilty about what I am doing and know that this is not right. Ironically, I started the affair to ease my loneliness...

Career Resource Center For Expatriates, Singapore
Alka Chandiramani
The Career Resource Center For Expatriates, Singapore (CRCE) is a unique, not-for-profit initiative run through the American Association of Singapore, offering invaluable services to expatriates seeking job local opportunities. We talked to Alka Chandiramani to learn more about this great concept...

Not A Member Yet?

Just a reminder that our blog is separate from our main site, so if you are reading this blog post online or you are only subscribed to our blog, you will not automatically receive our Expat Women monthly newsletters.

To receive our newsletter this month (which will hopefully be sent out this week) and to go in the running to win our monthly prize of a complete set of Explorer Publishing's Mini-Guides, please sign up today to our main site, and also receive your link to our free e-book of Winning Stories!

Thank you very much and have a fantastic June! Andrea

Monday, May 24, 2010

Expat Women Is Getting A Face Lift & We Want Your Ideas!

Hi Everyone, It has been over two years since our Expat Women site has had any cosmetic surgery, so we think it is time again for a little botox.

Hopefully you noticed that earlier this month we increased the font size of all the main text on our site to improve readability. 

Now, thanks to the kind support of our Sponsors, we now have some money put aside to modernize our design a little too.

A special thanks in advance to repat Beth Nori (and a former Expat Women Mentor - when we had Mentors) of Nori Studios for again helping us to liven up our existing website design.

We have given Beth our ideas, but we would love your ideas too.

Do you like the pink?  Do you not like the pink?

What part of the site do you love?  What part really bugs you?

Can you find what you need?  What can't you find easily?

If you had an endless bucket of money, what is the thing that you would most like improved?

We cannot promise what ideas we will use, but we would genuinely like to hear your input, to help us know where best to spend our (modest, but workable) design budget.

We would really appreciate it if you could please email us all of your ideas by the end of the week.

Many, many thanks!  Andrea

Stevie Awards For Women In Business

Hi Everyone, The 2010 Stevie Awards for Women in Business are now accepting entries!

If you are a woman who has achieved amazing things (and I am sure that many of you have), why not consider entering this year to see how you fare.

On Tuesday 20 July at 1pm ET (U.S.), they are running a free webinar entitled "How to Enter the Stevie Awards for Women in Business".  Learn more about the webinar here.

To enter, click here for the entry kit. The early-bird entry deadline is July 28.  Good luck expat women!   Andrea :-)

Missed Some Expat Articles On Twitter?

Hi Everyone, Here are some expat-related articles that I have shouted out about on Twitter recently that might interest you:

Managing Yourself: Making It Overseas: Alan versus Debra - Harvard Business Review

Expats: The pros and cons of working and living abroad

New Manpower research reveals 31% of employers worldwide are having difficulty finding the right talent

Thriving as an expat spouse - Success begins before you leave

Expat Life, Expat Death, published in the The Telegraph UK online, by long-term expat and Expat Women supporter Apple Gidley. Sending love to you, Apple. x

Top 50 Most Influential Expats in the Gulf - not one woman made the list

Premium expat packages harder to come by: more companies turn to the local pay scale

Moving? Recommendations for greening your home from the get-go

What happens when expats move on? Repatriation post by Kama Frankling

When an expat family repatriates or moves on, remember those who stay behind, by Emily Prucha

French-speaking expats: check out new French language blog from expat writer Vernonique Martin-Place

Weichert survey results for mobility programs

The Results Are In: 500 Entries Received for the Expat Youth Scholarship! Clements International thanks everyone who participated!

Click here if you would like to follow me in 'real time' on Twitter. Thanks. Andrea. :-)

Dads Get Baby Blues

Hi Everyone, I read with interest a story in my local paper (New Sunday Times, Malaysia) last weekend that referred to a recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association. 

The JAMA article was entitled Prenatal and Postpartum Depression in Fathers and Its Association With Maternal Depression and was the result of a a very extensive survey of depression in fathers, from January 1980 to October 2009.  It was made up of a total of 43 studies involving 28 004 participants. 

The research concluded that:
"Prenatal and postpartum depression was evident in about 10% of men in the reviewed studies and was relatively higher in the 3- to 6-month postpartum period. Paternal depression also showed a moderate positive correlation with maternal depression."

Very, very interesting.  Andrea

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Have You Ever Worked Abroad? Would You Like 3 Free Coaching Sessions & A Free Book?

Hi Everyone, Elizabeth Kruempelmann of Global Citizen Coaching is updating the work abroad section of her 2004 book The Global Citizen: A Guide to Creating an International Life and Career (affiliate link) and she is looking for your story of working abroad.

If you have ever worked abroad (as an employee or as a freelancer), or if you have ever taken part in a work-exchange program, internship or volunteer program abroad, Elizabeth would love to hear from you (about what obstacles you faced, how you overcame them and what tips you could offer others). 

Elizabeth says your story does not need to be long: 50 - 300 words is great.  She is just looking for words of wisdom for others who aspire to work abroad.

In return, for each story included in her updated book, Elizabeth is willing to offer three free coaching sessions (on the subject of your choice) plus a copy of her updated book!  That's pretty impressive as an incentive for writing only 50 - 300 words - so get your thinking caps on and give it a go!
Deadline for submissions to Elizabeth is next Monday, 24 May.  The stories selected for inclusion will be announced by Elizabeth (to her network) on 31 May.

Thanks and good luck!  Andrea

Clements International Expat Youth Scholarships Update

Hi Everyone, Thank you very much to all those students who submitted an entry this year to Clements International's Expat Youth Scholarship.

Over 500 entries were received and the winners will be announced on September 13.  In the meantime, you are invited to sign up for updates and information on the Expat Youth Scholarship Facebook and Twitter pages.

Good luck to all who applied!  Andrea

Bought A House Abroad In The Last 3 Years?

Hi Everyone, House Hunters International is still traveling all over the globe to find families for their reality show for the HGTV network (similar to the BBC's "A Place In The Sun"). 

If you bought a home abroad within the past three years, or you are a real estate agency who sold one to a family that is fluent in English and between 30 - 50 years of age, please email Tekella Foster from Leopard Films urgently.  Thanks.

Note: If your family is included in the series, a US$1500 out-of-pocket expenses is applicable.  If you are a real estate agency, a US$500 honorarium applies.

Expat Women May 2010 Newsletter

Hi Everyone, My apologies, I forgot to blog that we sent our Expat Women newsletter in the first week of May (not as bad as forgetting to collect your 75-year-old mother from the grocery store, which happened last week to my friend Anna), so if you were a member then but did not receive your newsletter, please tell us here.

May Newsletter

In addition to our May Expat Women home page features, our newsletter included:

* The name of the winner (Katherine C in China - congratulations Katherine!) of our Amazon Kindle Tell-A-Friend competition.  A big thank you to everyone who supported us by telling their friends about us for that competition!

* The name of our Explorer Publishing mini-guide pack winner;

* Our winning story by Expat Women member Jeanie (a New Zealander in China), entitled Where's My Dessert and Coffee?; and

* A useful article from our Silver Sponsor Clements International..... 10 Things You Need To Know About International Auto Insurance.

If you are not a member of our main site,, please join today to support us (and receive a link to download our free Expat Women e-book "Winning Stories"). This will also mean that next month your newsletter will be delivered directly to your inbox.

Thanks Everyone!  Andrea

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Expat Dreams Gone Sour

Hi Everyone, Here is a well-written piece in the UK's Mail Online today about three expat marriages that went sour due to cultural adjustment difficulties, financial woes and the associated relationship stress of moving abroad. (Note This is not an article about infidelity abroad.)

Please click here on the article if you are interested (or if you know someone who might be):

The Expat Dream Killed Our Marriages: Don't Pack Your Bags And Sell Up Until You've Read These Three Salutary Stories

Sending good thoughts and best wishes to Maria-Louse, Sharon and Carol - three British expat women now living alone in France.  Andrea

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Writers, Authors & Self-Publishers Be Quick! Online Conference May 12-14

Hi Everyone, I just discovered what looks like a really great online conference, if you are a writer, author and/or a current or wannabe self-publisher... 

It is the Self-Publishers Online Conference and it is being run May 12-14 (US Pacific time).  You can listen 'live' for free, or you can pay US$97 for the downloads (if you have a credit card from one of these countries: United States; Australia; Canada; England/Great Britain; Ireland; New Zealand; or Northern Ireland) as I just did, so you can listen later at your convenience.

But hurry... it is almost May 12, so if this conference sounds like you, check it out quickly.  Best wishes, Andrea.


Day 1 - May 12 - Writing/Publishing

Keynote: Dan Poynter
Self-Publishing Past, Present, and Future

Marcia Yudkin
Writing Without Angst

Writing & Publishing Roundtable: Q & A

Susan Daffron & James Byrd
Finish Your Book the "Publishize" Way

Mark Levine
How to Avoid Publishing Pitfalls

Hobie Hobart
From Book Cover to Blockbuster Brand: How Choosing the Right Book Cover Can Launch Your Business

Day 2 - May 13 - Promotion

Keynote: Fern Reiss
How Self-Publishers Can Thrive in Today's Publishing Climate

MJ Rose
Buzz Your Book

Promotion Roundtable: Q & A

John Kremer
Book Promotion 101: The Secrets to Book Marketing Success

Kate Bandos
DIY Book Promotion

Internet Publicity: How to Leverage Social Media for Profit

Day 3 - May 14 - Build Your Empire

Keynote: Mark Victor Hansen
How to Become a Wealthy Writer

Peter Bowerman
Build Your Own "Well Fed" Empire

Empire Building Roundtable: Q & A

William Patterson
How to Turn Your Product Line into a Fortune

Janet Goldstein
The Platform Manifesto for Authorpreneurs: Grow Your Visibility and Tribe to Grow Your Sales, Success, and Satisfaction

Peter Winick
Develop and Execute a Strategy to Monetize Your Platform

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

The £6m Ad That's Got Britain Talking - And Sobbing

Hi Everyone, Here for your pleasure is one of those occasion videos that we give a shout-out to... because we loved it. 

It is only 90 seconds, I know it is only an advert and I did not even know who/what/where John Lewis was until after I watched it and clicked on the John Lewis site... but I found my eyes watering too!  Really well-done 90-second chronicle of the life of a woman. :-)

Read the press page first here then watch the YouTube video below (if you are reading this online) or via the press page link (if you are reading this via an email or RSS feed).

Enjoy and have a great week!  Andrea

Monday, May 3, 2010

New Mobility Magazine Edition Online

Hi Everyone, It has been quite a while since we have given a shout-out to Worldwide ERC®'s Mobility Magazine - designed for professionals (or even those just curious) in the expat, global mobility and relocation industries. 

However, their latest edition is now online, so now is a perfect time to click on some of their great articles below and take a read...

Culture and Communication 101
By Sean Dubberke

Crossroads in the Moving and Storage Industry
By Eric Reed, CRP, GMS

Risk Management for Our Times
By Patrick Moore

Security Impact on the Employee Mobility Industry
By Laura May Carmack

Navigating the Comparable Minefield
By Joseph Palumbo, SRA, and Alvin “Chip” Wagner III, SCRP, SRA

The First Steps in Educating Potential Transferees
By Pamela S. Dunleavy, CRP, and Stefanie R. Schreck, CRP, GMS

Regional Real Estate— Planning for the Year Ahead
By Mike Puckett, CRP, and Renee Carnes-Rook, CRP

How to Maintain Healthy Sleep Patterns: Issues of Civil Liability in Immigration Matters
By Ben Kranc

Managed Care Versus Agent Database: What Works in Relocation?
By Pam O’Connor, SCRP, and Sue Carey, SCRP, GMS

Benchmarking Relocation Policies: The Results Are in—Now What?
By Janet Olkowski, SCRP, GMS

Standing the Test of Time? Protecting REO and Short Sale Investments
By Lindsay Filby

Subpart A and SEVIS II: Will Your J-1 Program Sponsor Be Ready?
By Darra Klein

The Decade in Review: How Technology Has Improved the Mobility Process
By Matthew Dickerson, CRP

Technology and Global Mobility: The Future Is Today
By Michael S. Cadden, GMS

Repatriation— a Stranger at Home
By Rashel Meiworm

Safeguarding the Most Precious of Possessions During a Move: One’s Identity
By Glenn Maykish

Happy reading!  Andrea

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Be A Reinvention Queen! In The New Fearless Woman Magazine

Hi Everyone, If you are an expat woman who has lost her career identity abroad and who is looking for ideas and encouragement for the next stage of her career, I invite you to read my guest blog post Be A Reinvention Queen! in the new Fearless Woman Magazine

Adrienne Graham, the founder of this new, free, online magazine (available soon for hard-copy-subscribers as well) is an amazing visionary and while you are on her site, I also encourage you to sign up to her magazine - as I am sure it will be great!

Thanks as always for your support, Andrea.

Twitter Updates For Social Media

Hi Everyone, Here are 8 recent 'social media' tweets I have made that might interest you, especially if you are an expat entrepreneur, or anyone helping their company's online strategy...

Facebook Now Commands 41% of Social Media Traffic- @mashable

Here's what Chris Brogan told ABC news about making money via blogging - @chrisbrogan

Mark Cuban's "Why You Should Never Listen To Your Customers" ...interesting Thanks @RachelleGardner's blog

2010 Social Media Marketing Industry Report by @mike_stelzner 1,900 peers surveyed

Very interesting slide about Kavit's 'Blog versus Website' positioning recommendation for all of your social media tools

Looking for work? Read Little Pink Book's Social Media Job Hunt article

Mashable’s Weekly Job Listings in Social Media - @mashable

Please click here if you would like to follow me in 'real time' on Twitter. 

Many thanks and have a fabulous week!  Andrea